Leslie Rendell | Home Page

Leslie Rendell | Home Page

My home page should help you know a little more about me. And what I am trying to accomplish with this website.

I am now retired and living in the beautiful southwest of Western Australia.

I am an amateur photographer who just enjoys being out in God’s creation. Using my camera to capture some of the amazing beauty here in Western Australia. By combining this with my Bible studies, my two favourite pursuits in life, I consider myself very blessed to do what I love to do.

I do not attend any regular Church, as I see too little preaching from the Bible. Many Churches follow the “Revised Common Lectionary” and follow the teachings of man, rather than the teaching of God. This type of preaching does absolutely nothing for me and cannot help me grow in accurate knowledge of God. I meet several times a week with like-minded friends, and we discuss the Bible and learn from each other. We are individuals and free to speak our own minds, not restricted in what we can discuss. We don’t always agree with each other, but that doesn’t mean we have problems.

Five Parts To The Website

1. Messages – These are mainly brief messages, although some are longer. They cover a variety of topics depending on what I am studying. I feel this is the best way for me to write. Since I am already researching a topic, I like to build on what I have learned and develop a message, book, or video based on my research.

List of messages.

2. Books – The books I have written are really long messages that I have complied into book form. All are available from this website in PDF format and are free to download.

List of Books

3. Videos – This is a new venture. I will be the first to admit I need practice. The videos are again just brief messages I have recorded.

List of videos.

4. Booklets – The same as a book, but shorter. Only available from this website in PDF format and also free to download.

List of Booklets

5. Audio files – Another new venture for me. These are recordings of books I have already written. Unfortunately, some of my recordings are too large for this website and are only available for purchase at audiobook retail stores.

List of audio files



I have spent many hours doing the research for these items. Therefore, these are my thoughts on each of the subjects. I seek the truth, never seeking answers to support what I already believe. This would just be reinforcing my own incorrect beliefs where I may be wrong. I am always prepared to learn something new, but it must always be true from “God’s word, The Bible”.

If you find this website helpful, I would love for you to leave a comment on a page.

God bless you, and thanks for visiting my website.

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